November has been a creative and also a walking month. Due to the winter time we mostly walk the dogs with a torch after the darkness falls, so during the weekends we did a daylight walks together with a rest of our dog and family pack.

MinionDonatello and Tess had to wait until I clean up our family pub. Then we could walk for the nature. There’s Maja on the second picture watching the village aslo from the pub.

Tessie with broken knee ligaments participated our walks being carried. Thank god she weights only 2,5 kg.

And the rest of them were walking on their own…

We also spent few November afternoons sewing new winter dog jackets, while the girls were wathing the village center from the window…

And there they are… Charlie and Minion in the new jackets. On the second picture there’s Jerry in his new dinosaurus jacket 😀

Mmy shades of amber …

After few months I couldn’t work I started to groom our pack. Finally also Charlie is handsome nicely smelling boy. I must admit he’s enjoing the stay in house a lot 🙂

Tessie’s crucial ligament surgery was postponed for one week later. On this picture she’s one day after the surgery and trying to be a boss of my office. Just typical Tess. In the beginning of December we have an appointment for the control x-ray and then we will have other one and a half moth of a restricted calm regime.