On Monday June 17 2019 there were born 7 standard poodle fawn puppies in our kennel – 3 boys and 4 girls. Everybody is doing fine and the puppies are growing so quick. I will update this page with new photos of the puppies continuously.
All the puppies are in new families.
- 190818
- SONY 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190715
- 190715
- 190807
- 190807
- 190702
- 190628
- 190625
- 190624
- 190622
- 190621
- 190620
- 190618
The puppies are from minimally related couple – COI (10 generations) is 0,8 %.
The pedigree of the litter is here.
Both parents are of a nice and contact nature, they’re well tempered with a great sense of humor. Just poodles 🙂 We expect the same characters in puppies.
Alex (CH. Alonso Eben Anders)
Clinical examinations
- HD A/A (negative)
- Patella luxation 0/0 (negative)
- Hereditary eye disseases: clear 2019
- Cardiology exam: clear
Minion (CIB MutiCH. Anniversary Pearl Ambershades)
- 1610
- 1610
- 1610
Clinical examinations
- HD B/C (borderline/mild)
- Patella luxations 0/0 (negative)
- Hereditary eye disseases clear 2019
Both parents are tested or after tested parents for VWD type I, NEWS, DM, they don’t carry a brown gene. All the health certificates will be put forward during the personal visit.
Boy – turquoise ribbon – BRIGHT SHINE ♂
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190715
- 190807
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
Boy – violet ribbon – BRIGHT MOONLIGHT ♂
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 90804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190715
- 190708
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
Boy – blue ribbon – BRIGHT SMILE ♂
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190818
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190715
- 190708
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
Girl – pink ribbon – BRIGHT SHADE OF ROSE ♀
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190708
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
Girl – orange ribbon – BRIGHT SUNNY DAY ♀
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190715
- 190708
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
Girl – magenta ribbon – BRIGHT BROW STAR ♀
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190715
- 190708
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
Girl – red ribbon – BRIGHT FUTURE ♀
- 190804
- 190804
- 190804
- 190715
- 190708
- 190702
- 190624
- 190618
General information about getting puppy from us you can find here zde. Genuine inquiries welcomed, please contact us.