At the beginning I would like to apologize for not updating our website few moths ago caused by my busyness. At the end of 2013 I was finishing my diploma thesis at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and in the beginning of 2014 I had to defense the thesis and have the state exams done, and at The University of Life Sciences I had other eight exams this semester…I’m almost in the end, missing only the last exam!
Before the end of 2013 we participated not succesfully few shows, some of them we missed preferring staying home and relaxing.
Sadly, we probably will not be seen in the show ring for some month, because of an coat “accident” happenned to Maja. Don’t ask me what had happened, I just know that Charlie ate the most of Maja’s side chest hair. It is sad, but for me it is more important that all the dogs are healthy, this little accident doesn’t bother me at all.
What are our plans for spring? If the time allows, I would like to start an obedience traning with our blondies.